To Wong Foo, Thanks for everything!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Day 9 of The Master Cleanse

So, I just came from doing 30 minutes of weight lifting. (Please let me get through this!) My stomach is gurlgling due to the sea salt wash I drink at 10:00am. (32 oz. of water + 2 tea spoons of sea salt) Yum...Yum. Overall, I feel pretty great. Lots of energy. No hunger. No cravings. Its quite strange how well I am adapting to this cleanse. I'm going for 30 days. (minimum 14 days) Once off the cleanse, I may go Ovo-Lacto. (Vegan, but still eat milk and eggs) Seriously thinking about.

I never knew how much my body REALLY needed this cleanse. I have not have ANY solid food in 9 days yet "stuff" keeps coming out! I would feel bad littering my body again if I started eating the way I did before the cleanse. My stomach has gone down, my legs are smaller...I don't recognize myself anymore. I love the effect this cleanse has on me. I wish I had knew about it several years before. But, the time was right now for me to do it. Grant it, the Master Cleanse book says a person will gain back have the weight they lose. Especially, if they go back to bad eating habits. We'll see!

So tonight is Spinning. Awesome. Love this class. Love to sweat! 4 minutes and its over done. can go home and sleep well.


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