Day 11 of The Master Cleanse
I went to The Grove Farmer's Market and picked up a pint of freshly squeezed orange juice. D@mn this stuff is good. It better be for $6.75 a bottle. I shall never drink the store brand stuff. According to The Master Cleanse book, I am suppose to drink several glasses a day. Fresh squeezed orange juice is very rich. I just had to water it down some. Well, it was breakfast, lunch and partial dinner. I ended up getting a most delicous salad w/grilled salmon. Only ate half of it. My stomach must have shrinked. My appetite is not as big as it usally is. Grant it, I haven't ate solid food in 10 days. (Hold the bread!) I told the server.
This morning after the orange juice pick up, I also road my bike to the gym to do my crunches routine. Awesome! A hill up to the gym. Great warm up. And a hill down towards home. A great cool down.
Later I took a 6:00pm Spinning class. Loved it. Quick 1 hour workout. I am exhausted. Weighed myself this morning. Couldn't believe my eyes. The scale read 169lbs. Even saw my body fat percentage has gone down. I love feeling this good. Need to keep at it. Keep moving.
I found my old Weight Watchers journal. With Weight Watchers you have to weigh in once a week. 195lbs was recorded. That was December 2003. How completely sad I remember I was feeling. Then, I happened upon the picture of me at a wedding. (Sept. 2000) I always carried it as a reminder of what I do not ever want to see again. I had to have been touching 200lbs. But that year I never weighed myself. I hated taking pictures. I never want to feel that way again. And hopefully I will not. I am going to try.