To Wong Foo, Thanks for everything!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Day 11 of The Master Cleanse

I went to The Grove Farmer's Market and picked up a pint of freshly squeezed orange juice. D@mn this stuff is good. It better be for $6.75 a bottle. I shall never drink the store brand stuff. According to The Master Cleanse book, I am suppose to drink several glasses a day. Fresh squeezed orange juice is very rich. I just had to water it down some. Well, it was breakfast, lunch and partial dinner. I ended up getting a most delicous salad w/grilled salmon. Only ate half of it. My stomach must have shrinked. My appetite is not as big as it usally is. Grant it, I haven't ate solid food in 10 days. (Hold the bread!) I told the server.

This morning after the orange juice pick up, I also road my bike to the gym to do my crunches routine. Awesome! A hill up to the gym. Great warm up. And a hill down towards home. A great cool down.

Later I took a 6:00pm Spinning class. Loved it. Quick 1 hour workout. I am exhausted. Weighed myself this morning. Couldn't believe my eyes. The scale read 169lbs. Even saw my body fat percentage has gone down. I love feeling this good. Need to keep at it. Keep moving.

I found my old Weight Watchers journal. With Weight Watchers you have to weigh in once a week. 195lbs was recorded. That was December 2003. How completely sad I remember I was feeling. Then, I happened upon the picture of me at a wedding. (Sept. 2000) I always carried it as a reminder of what I do not ever want to see again. I had to have been touching 200lbs. But that year I never weighed myself. I hated taking pictures. I never want to feel that way again. And hopefully I will not. I am going to try.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Day 10 of The Master Cleanse

Well, I finaly made it. This is my lasy day of The Master Cleanse and I feel good. I had the discipline and self-control to do it for 10 days of not eating any solid food. I must confess I am a little nervous about going back to solid food. Will I gain my 12 pounds back?

Day 11, Day 12 and Day 13 - will be the "weening-off" days of the cleanse. Day 11 & Day 12 - Freashly squeezed orange juice several times a day. Day 13 - Fresh vegetables and fruits.

I can not WAIT until I can eat solid food again. WooHoo!

What keeps me going? Well, there is this outfit that I would love to wear:

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D@mn, I would look fierce in this! Nothing to fancy, playful and cheery.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Day 9 of The Master Cleanse

So, I just came from doing 30 minutes of weight lifting. (Please let me get through this!) My stomach is gurlgling due to the sea salt wash I drink at 10:00am. (32 oz. of water + 2 tea spoons of sea salt) Yum...Yum. Overall, I feel pretty great. Lots of energy. No hunger. No cravings. Its quite strange how well I am adapting to this cleanse. I'm going for 30 days. (minimum 14 days) Once off the cleanse, I may go Ovo-Lacto. (Vegan, but still eat milk and eggs) Seriously thinking about.

I never knew how much my body REALLY needed this cleanse. I have not have ANY solid food in 9 days yet "stuff" keeps coming out! I would feel bad littering my body again if I started eating the way I did before the cleanse. My stomach has gone down, my legs are smaller...I don't recognize myself anymore. I love the effect this cleanse has on me. I wish I had knew about it several years before. But, the time was right now for me to do it. Grant it, the Master Cleanse book says a person will gain back have the weight they lose. Especially, if they go back to bad eating habits. We'll see!

So tonight is Spinning. Awesome. Love this class. Love to sweat! 4 minutes and its over done. can go home and sleep well.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Day 8 of The Master Cleanse

The dieter's tea has me up 5:30am (PST)

So, lastnight around 7pm I decided I wanted to do a Cardio Salsa class at my Bally's gym. Cool. I have lots of energy why not? I've been in the house all day (work from home) and need to get out to break the cabin fever.

I get to the gym (less than 5minutes from home...driving...Great!) and jump right into the already started (15 minutes) Cardio Salsa class. WHAT THE H#LL WAS I THINKING! Note: I live in Hollywood. Everyone around me looks as if they just auditioned for So You Think You Can Dance? Freaking beautiful LA people. (I'm just jealous...hehehe) Especially this one Latina, size 0 chick. "Look at her. Swinging her head around. Moving her hips. Locking into positon everytime." Obviously these people are regulars at this class. I stay with it anyway. I love to dance and love Salsa music.

The choreography alone was trying. As I was finally getting into the moves, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror infront of me. Normally, I don't look. But this time I looked and...I didn't recognize myself. This wieght is dropping! So fast it scares me. I almost cried. I always thought for the longest I could N E V E R get to my "ideal" weight size. 5'4" = 140-145lbs. I'm currently at 171.4 lbs. I have lost 10.6lbs in 7 days. I feel better than I ever have. I can't believe this cleanse worked like this for me. Grant it, it is not for weightloss, but for cleasing the digestive system. You can't help but lose weight on only 500 calories a day. I have more energy than ever. I lose about 2 lbs a day w/exercising. I'm also doing this cleanse to help prepare me for the HOW fitness challenge which starts October 1st. It will be a great start to help me stay fit...for life.

I finished the class. 1 hour. The instructor actually went over a few minutes and I can feel the stares from the outside next class participants. Overall I loved the class. I went home gleaming. I just cannot believe how I look externally. Freaking amazing. Wanna know something else? No one knows I am doing this besides my Aunt (who lives 3 floors above me) and Cousin (roommate). We are all doing the cleanse together.

SPEACIAL NOTE: I just moved to Los Angeles, California this past July from Atlanta, Georgia. I have no family in California except for my Aunt and Cousin and best friend (whom lives in Orange County). My best friend has no idea I am doing this either. Wait until he sees me this Sunday. My Atlanta peeps will see me in November. Whoah-ho-ho!