To Wong Foo, Thanks for everything!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Triathlon: Such a big word

Today's thought is: I believe that I can really be a fit person. No rolls and a flat, firm strong tummy. If I put my mind to it. I have doubted for years that I would NEVER be able to see the 170s again and now I am at 165 and holding on for dear life! Maybe I will be ready for that Triathlon in the Spring 2006. Possible? Hey, at 191lbs I was able to finish a Century (100 miles) ride on a road bike. Before that I had not riddin a bike in over 15 years!

No Excuses! Can't wait for winter festivities with the family.

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs w/cheese, water
Snack: 1 Serving Boysenberry Yogurt, Water (Cyt)
Lunch: 1 Bowl of Cream of Wheat, Water
Snack: Celery w/Cream Cheese, Water
Dinner: 1 Chicken Breast w/ 1 Bowl Tomato Soup, Water
Snack: 1 Serving Popcorn, 1 Glass Red Wine
Cardio: 20 Minutes on StepMaster
Weight Training: Upper Body Strength Training

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Cytomax to the rescue!

My first experience with Cytomax was during my 100 mile cycling performance for Team-N-Training in 2003. I added it to my water and it helped so much to keep me energized. Love the stuff! Ellis, a stuntsman gave me a sample and I fell in love with it instantly.

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs w/cheese, 1 slice wheat toast and jam, Water (plus Cytomax)
Snack: 1 Stalk of Celery w/Cream Cheese, Water
Lunch: 1 Serving of Tunafish, Water
Snack: 1 Crunchy Granola Bar, Water
Dinner:(Leftovers) Tunafish, Water
Snack: 1 Serving of Mandarin Oranges, Water
Cardio: 30 Minutes, StepMaster
Weight Training: Crunches Routine

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Deep controlled breathing helps so much during my cardiovascular exercise routine. Breathing is so important while exercise. That is what I learned today. It especially helps when I think I can not go any further on the Step Master. I just breathe slowly and deeply. Feels good.

So, my Aunt D. told me she went to Old Navy and they had a sale on jeans. Perfect because I can no longer fit into ANY of my current jeans. (Praise the Gods!) I had this iverwhelming anxiety attack about buying clothes period. I knew I had lost weight, but I did not know how that would translate into clothes size. After the gym, I went to Old Navy.

Went to the "sale" area and picked through some jeans. I ended up having 4 in my arms. All were size 14 with various lengths. Found the fitting room and...

The size 14 were too big! WHAT?!

I quickly gathered the jeans and ran out to get size 12. Went back to the dressing room and put on the size 12 like it was meant to be this way. Ahhhhh! I was wearing a size 16 only 4 weeks ago. Well, jeans don't lie. I wasn't even wearing my gurdle or body slimmer. Bet! I loved this! I sat and looked at the mirror opposite of me and my eyes got teary.

I could not get over how my body has changed. The hard work paid off.

Breakfast: 2 Hard boiled eggs, Water
Snack: 1 Stalk of Celery w/Cream Cheese, Water
Lunch: B&J Sandwich, Water
Snack: 1 Serving Boysenberry Yogurt, Water
Dinner: 2 Slices of Thin Crush Cheese Pizza, Water
Snack: Graham Crackers, Water
Cardio: 30 Minutes, StepMaster
Weight Training: Rest

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Week 3 - HOW Fitness Challenge

Geesh! I really need to get a refrigerator. I've been eating, but not NEARLY enough as I should. I do not want to resort to restaurant just becuase I have no ways of preparing meals at home. By the start of November, we should have a refrigerator. (Craigslist save me!) November, I can't believe it will be November already. I will be 34 November 20th. I am actually looking forward to another birthday year going by. Face it, humans get old(er). It's biology. I don't have to feel old tho. YIPPEE! But That is all up to me. Don't like something, change it.

I've also been really busy with painting my room, shopping for a bedroom set and searching for a mattress. And travelling to Orange County to pickup more of my stuff from my move from Atlanta to California. How stressful. All in the course of a week. Grateful that I can do it.

I am going to go grocery shopping today. If I don't have the means for preparing delicious lunches and dinners that require refrigerated foods, then the next best thing is healthy snacking.

Breakfast: 1 Hard boiled egg and 1 Serving Strawberry Yogurt, 1 Glass of Orange Juice
Snack: 1 Serving of Pretxel Niblits, Water
Lunch: 1 Stalk of Celery w/Cream Cheese, Water
Snack: 1 Serving Boysenberry Yogurt, Water
Dinner: 1 Chicken Breast w/ 1 bowl Tomato Soup, Water
Snack: Graham Crackers, Water
Cardio: Rest
Weight Training: Rest
Starting Weight: 181.6lbs
Current Weight: 165.8lbs

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What I Take For Granted

A freaking refrigerator for one. I was just about to blog that I havent been eating enough this week. But, my fellow HOWie RanMan beat me to it. It's true, I haven't. Largely due to not having a refrigerator in my apartment and my cookware and dinnerware are still in my car. (I can't find the d@mn shopping cart in the garages of the building to move the stuff.)

Breakfast: 1 Bowl of Special K w/Berries, 1 Glass Milk
Snack: Skipped (Got involved in painting room), Water
Lunch: 1 Slice of Turkey, Water
Snack: (2 Advil Liquid GelCaps + a nap...PMS), Water
Dinner: Calamari Sushi Roll, 1 Bowl of Miso Soup, Water
Snack: Graham Crackers, Water
Cardio: Rest
Weight Training: Rest

Monday, October 10, 2005

Word of the day: Discipline

Man, this is hard. Keeping motivated day in and day out. Wanting to reach your final is just so hard! Okay, enough of the whining. I gotta do this. I can do this. It just takes discipline:

dis·ci·pline Audio pronunciation of "Discipline" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ds-pln)

1. Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.

Breakfast: 1 Hard Boiled Egg, 1 Glass Milk
Snack: Skipped (Got involved in painting room), Water
Lunch: 1 Bagel Turkey w/Cheese, Water
Snack: 1 Container Boysenberry Flavored Low Fat Yogurt, Water
Dinner: 1 Tomato Cut Up w/Low Fat Italian Dressing, Water
Snack: Graham Crackers, Water
Cardio: 45 Spinning
Weight Training: Crunches Routine

Sunday, October 09, 2005

POM Wonderful

So, I told myself if I started a fitness program and stuck to it for a week I could treat myself to POM Wonderful, Pomegranate Juice. This stuff is expensive so that is where the treat came in. Normally I would drink water all day long, but I longed for a sweet drink for a change. So there you go! Mmmmmm...Delicious.

My gentlemen friend saw me lastnight for the first time in a couple of weeks since I initially lost 12lbs. His comment over the phone after he left, "By the way, I meant to tell you earlier... you looked really good tonight." Thank you heavenly father!

How good compliments feel when coming from other people. Especially from someone you are mutally attracted too. I am not going to get my hopes up, but it feels good. I'm having fun with this fitness hit.

Advice: When you get ANY good comments about your appearance and/or demeanor, write them down. No matter how big or small the comment is. It helps to then read them over. It keeps you focused.

Breakfast: 1 Hard boiled egg, 1 Glass of Pomegranate Juice
Snack: Skipped, Water
Lunch: 1 Turkey Sandwich w/ cheese on Bagel, Water
Snack: , Water
Dinner: , Water
Snack: Graham Crackers, Water
Cardio: Rest
Weight Training: Rest

Saturday, October 08, 2005

HOWie Fitness Challenge - End of Week 1

Being off the fast for a week now,I must admit I got a little nervous about putting back on the weight I loss from the fast because of eating solid food. When I look at what I ate last week, things don't look so bad. I weighed myself yesterday morning and I am now 170.8. ( I loved being 169lbs. for that 1 day.) Relatively gained about .9lbs of wieght since getting off the fast. Whew! Not too bad. I only drink water now. Cut down on bread tremdously. Eat less sugar. I still treat myself now and then. (Pizza, Goobers, Reese's Cups) But, not too bad.

New weight goal: 165lbs. by the end of November.
Long term weight goal: To keep the 12lbs off I have already lost.
How?: Drink water. Less sugar. Less bread. Exercise and have fun.
Fitness goal: TriDivas Triathlon 2006
Breakfast: 1 Hard boiled egg, 1 Container Boysenberry Flavored Low Fat Yogurt, Water
Snack: 1 Pear, Water
Lunch: Skipped, Water
Snack: 1 Hard Boiled Egg, Water
Dinner: 1 Turkey Sandwich w/cheese, Water
Snack: 1 Serving of Pretels, Water
Cardio: Rest
Weight Training: Rest

Friday, October 07, 2005

D@mn Halloween and PMS!

They just don't mix! So my roommate brought home a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups yesterday. I polished off two individual cups. Ack! What am I doing?! All that fasting for this? Coming girl, get a grip and get back on track. Note to self: Remember that outfit you wanna wear, Karma!

Breakfast: 1 Hard boiled egg, 1 Slice of wheat toast w/Jam, Water
Snack: 1 Serving Strawberry Flavored Low Fat Yogurt, Water
Lunch: 1 bowl of sliced tomatos w/No Fat Italian Dressing, Water
Snack: 1 Apple, Water
Dinner: 2 thin slices cheese pizza, Water
Snack: 25 pieces Goobers candy, Water
Cardio: 45 Spinning Class
Weight Training: Crunches Routine and circuit training

Even with how/what I am eating this week, why do I feel (think) I am eating too much?

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Stomach...go away!

Is it possible for me to even have a flat tummy? Really? I just can not imagine me with a flat stomach. I feel it will take ATLEAST 2 years for me to work this stomach off. The, I would probablygive up if I don't see results.

Breakfast: 1 Hard boiled egg, 1 Slice of wheat toast w/Jam, Water
Snack: 1 Plum, Water
Lunch: 1 Turkey and Cheese Sandwich, Water
Cardio: 20 min. StepMaster
Snack: 1 Serving of prextels, Water
Dinner: Tuna Fish, Water
Snack: Graham Crackers, Water
Cardio: No Cardio, PMSing
Weight Training: Rest

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A Note to (Fit) Self

Drink more water!

Breakfast: 1 Hard boiled egg, 1 Slice of wheat toast w/Jam, Water
Snack: 1 Peach, Water
Lunch: 1 Benedryl (D@mn! An allergic reaction to the peach!), Water
Snack: 1 Serving of prextels, Water
Dinner: Scallop Roll, Water
Snack: Graham Crackers, Water
Cardio: 45 Spinning Class
Weight Training: Crunches Routine and circuit training

I've decided to beef up my physical exercise routine by doing cardio twice a day. Wokring from home does have its benefits. Decided to sneak away from the desk and put in 20 minutes of StepMaster and my Crunches routine and then another cardio exercise class in the evening around 6pm.(ie. Spinning, Cardio Kick Boxing)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Motivation #2: Victoria's Secret

I just want to know what it would feel to be it. Strong and Lean. I only have one life to live and I want to see if I can really be fit. I've decided I want to train for a Triathlon Spring 2006. But, I don't want to have rolls on my back and my belly button pointing down. I want to look like I belong on a Triathlon team. The wet suit. I must look good in my wet suit. Think of my position on my road road bike. I want to look like I belong. And feel right too. I must prepare my body now for the training.

My belly button WILL face foward. I pulled my stomach up and it CAN face forward if I train it to. I will work at it. I am working at it. How? By exercising at least 5 times a week and weight training for 2 days. Crunches on the ball, off the bench and on the floor everyday. Leg lifts...Leg lifts...Leg lifts! These tings hurt!

My two best buddies have started The Master Cleanse. They both HATE the lemonade drink. Both curse me for saying it taste like lemonade. (Mine did. I never felt hungry.) I told them both to stick it out! Act like men! You can do it! I hope they get the results I did. Especially James, since like me he carries his weight around his stomach. He has the discipline because he did Atkins. (Ack!) Bugs has the patience. I know Bugs will get through it. He will see results externally as well as internally. Keep it up! Don't cheat!

So I received today's Victoria's Secret email newsletter. And there is this sweater I want to purchase. (Dare I say it is white!)

Image hosted by

Damn, this sweater would look hot with some jeans. Ow!!! Lastnight's dinner was Sushi. Calamari roll to be exact. is that bad? Prior, I did a 45 minute Spinning class and Ab work. That's not bad. I just want to know how it looks and feels to be fit. And I am going to give it a try. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Got the "skinny".

Okay, so Saturday after work I ate good ole soul food. (Nice come back from a liquid fast hunh?) But, only ate half the portion...yams, black eyed peas and pork chop. Immediately my body wanted to get rid of it. Way to go Karma's kidneys!

Sunday drove to Orange County to spend the day with my best friend. Funny, we talked all morning (I was sitting on the floor the entire time.) and as soon as I stood up and faced the back best friend's boyfriend said, "D@mn Karma! Are you wearing a pair of my jeans? You are skinny girl." James is about 5'10" 240lbs. A big guy. Then, my best friend said, "I never noticed because she was sitting down on the floor and I didnt see her stand up until now. What did you do? You look so good!" I loved it!

Told them about The Master Cleanse. They both are starting today. Too funny. I made sure to explain to them both that it is not meant for weight loss it is a cleanse and it has been noted you will gain half the weight you lose...back.

Not if I can help it!

We spent the entire day with my best friends family. First we drove to Anaheim Hills for lunch with the parents. Astonishing view! Lunch...uh oh! Deli fried chicken, potato salad, macaroni and cheese. I tasted a little of everythin. Never felt deprived and didnt over indulge.

CONFESSION: I ate a Reeses Cup. (Freaking Halloween Festivities!)

My best friends entire family threw comments at me, "Karma, your so skinny." I am no where NEAR being skinny. But, I will take the compliment. "Did living in LA do this to you?" Partially true.

Keep it of Karma. Keep it up. Work at it. It will happen. Rememeber that outfit you want to wear.